Health Pharm
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dyspraxia - A Personal Experience

When my son was nine years old we received a letter from his school, the letter informed us that our child's behavior had been unacceptable on more than one occasion in one lesson in particular. The lesson in question was a craft class that was being taught by a member of learning support.

Of course we did the only thing a concerned parent could do we made an appointment to see our son's teacher. During the meeting the teacher read from a series of notes compiled by the teaching assistant. Your son can't be bothered to cut out simple shapes he would rather act the clown in class disrupting the other members of the class. He also refused to do needlework saying it was only for girls.

Our son who was just a typical young boy at home apparently could not behave himself for a few minutes in school. For a full year we persevered with behaviour charts never once questioning the opinions of the teaching staff at our son's school.

I still feel today that we let down our son after all we are in the education business and we should have known. Well this was ten years ago and Dyspraxia today is still very difficult to diagnose. Children today are sometimes just classified as naughty underachievers when in fact they suffer from a serious learning disability.

Our sons Dyspraxia was finally diagnosed by an educational therapist after a young teacher who had received special training regarding learning disabilities became suspicious of the pattern of our sons behaviour. The therapist would later explain to us that our son would act the clown in class to deflect the attention away from the fact that he could barely hold a pair of scissors correctly. My son felt ashamed by the fact that he couldn't cut shapes out like the other children and the only things he could stick the sowing needle in was his fingers.

I began to read articles and books about Dyspraxia, learning that it wasn't life threatening and that it could be overcome. There is no cure for Dyspraxia but the earlier a child is diagnosed and treated the better the chance that the Dyspraxia will not cause the child any significant problems in the future.

How can I tell if my child as Dyspraxia?

Diagnosing Dyspraxia is notoriously difficult as it can overlap with other learning disabilities but listed below are a few points that maybe should have indicated to me that our child suffered from Dyspraxia.

Around 70% of people with Dyspraxia are male.

Stand opposite your child about 3 meters apart and gently throw a ball towards them if they continually drop the ball then this may be an indicator.

Watch your child brush their teeth if they struggle then this could be another indicator. My child still struggles with brushing his teeth.

Draw a very basic shape and using safety scissors ask your child to cut out the shape. If they find it almost impossible to get anywhere near the outline of the shape this could be another indicator.

Can your child not decide which hand to use. Looking back I personally feel this was the main indicator that my son had Dyspraxia. He could never decide which hand to use.

Has your child got poor concentration? Do they not stick to one or two tasks? My son was like a whirlwind running around the house never concentrating on one thing for more than a few seconds.

Is your child disruptive in class, always acting the fool? This can be a coping mechanism; they try to deflect attention away from their lack of ability to carry out a task. My son always had problems in craft class and maths.

If you think you child as Dyspraxia consult an educational therapist as soon as possible. In the UK this is a free service that can be accessed through your child's school or his GP.

posted by Healthy Life @ 3:47 AM  
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
An Introduction to Overcoming Dyslexia

Children with dyslexia have difficulty in learning to read despite having average or above average intelligence and receiving regular instruction, Dyslexia is caused by impairment in the brain's ability to translate images received from the eyes or ears into understandable language. It never results from vision or hearing problems, neither from mental retardation, brain damage, or a lack of intelligence.

Dyslexia like other learning disabilities can be very difficult to diagnose often going undetected until the later grades of school. There can be other problems that disguise Dyslexia. The child becomes frustrated by the difficulty in learning to read often resulting in behavioral problems at school and in the home environment. The child may also display signs of depression and low self-esteem. All these problems often lead to a lack of motivation to attend school.

Diagnoses and Types of Dyslexia

There are different types of Dyslexia.

"Trauma dyslexia" usually occurs because of brain trauma or injury to the area of the brain that controls reading and writing. This is rare.

"Primary dyslexia." This type of dyslexia is a dysfunction of the left hemisphere of the brain (cerebral cortex) and does not change with age. Individuals may struggle with reading, spelling and writing as adults. Primary dyslexia is passed through their genes (hereditary). It is found more in boys than in girls.

"Secondary" or "Developmental dyslexia" is felt to be caused by hormones during the early stages of fetal development. Developmental dyslexia diminishes with the maturity of the child. This also is more common in boys.

Dyslexia is a difficult disorder to diagnose. Testing for Dyslexia should determine the child's functional reading level and compare it to reading potential, which is evaluated by an intelligence test. The aspects of the reading process are examined to pinpoint where the breakdown is occurring. The test further assesses how a child takes in and processes information and what the child does with the information. The tests help determine if a child learns better by hearing information (auditory), looking at information (visual), or doing something (kinesthetic). The test also assess if a child performs better when allowed to give information (output), by saying something (oral), or by doing something with their hands (tactile-kinesthetic). The test also would evaluate as how all of these sensory systems (modalities) work in coordination with each other.

Some requirements for a child before they are tested is that the child should get a good night's sleep and have a good breakfast. If the testing needs to be done in a school setting, the teacher can prepare the child by talking about the person who will come and do special work with the child.

A standard set of tests can include, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III)
2. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC)
3. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
4. Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery
5. Peabody Individual Achievement Tests-Revised (PIAT)
6. Wechsler Individual Achievement Tests (WIAT)
7. Kaufman Tests of Educational Achievement (KTEA)
8. Bender Gestalt Test of Visual Motor Perception
9. Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration
10. Motor-Free Visual Perception Test
11. Visual Aural Digit Span Test (VADS)
12. Test of Auditory Perception (TAPS)
13. Test of Visual Perception (TVPS)
14. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised
15. Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test
16. Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language

Treatment & Teaching Methods

Before any treatment is started, an evaluation must be done to determine the child's specific area of disability. The school can develop a plan with the parent to meet the child's requirements. A treatment plan will focus on strengthening the child's weaknesses while utilizing the strengths. Another approach may be a systematic study of phonics. There can be techniques designed to help all the senses work together efficiently can also be used. There can be reading approaches that require a child to hear, see, say, and do something (multisensory), such as the Slingerland Method, the Orton-Gillingham Method, The Spalding Method, Alphabetic Phonics, The Herman Method, The Wilson Method or Project READ can be used.

The child should be taught compensation and coping skills. Good attention should be paid to optimum learning conditions and alternative avenues for student performance.

Although alternative treatments are commonly recommended, there is little research supporting the effectiveness of these treatments. In addition, these treatments are very costly, quite easy for frustrated parents to be misled by something that is expensive and sounds attractive. Perhaps the most important aspect of any treatment plan is attitude. The child will be greatly influenced by the attitudes of the adults around him.

posted by Healthy Life @ 9:44 AM  
Monday, April 27, 2009
Swine Flu - Swine Influenza (Swine Flu)
Time To Pull Up Our Socks – Swine Flu Is almost At Our Doorstep!

It has been in all the news headlines lately and as a result most people are now aware of it! Yes, I think you’ll have made the right guess – it is ‘Swine Flu.’ Never heard this before? Well, now that we are almost in the line of fire, most of us can be found asking questions like:

• What is Swine Flu?
• What are the symptoms of swine flu?
• How is swine flu caused?

These are of course just a few to start with; many of you must be abuzz with many more questions. In a crisis, the human mind, it is understood, does start to work in overdrive. But coming back to the point………

Swine Influenza or ‘swine flu,’ in short, is a respiratory disease found in pigs. It is caused by type A influenza that is often the source of outbreaks of influenza amongst pigs.

Normally swine flu viruses do not infect humans, but human infections of the disease can crop up in workers who are in direct contact with the infected pigs. As a result, it is acknowledged that swine flu virus can also spread with human-to-human contact.

Mentioned below are a few facts from the U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) which source all information on the spread of swine flue in humans. It says:

• The swine flu virus makes the pigs naturally sick but probably does affect the humans. It is however noted that, humans are mostly affected when they come in contact with infected pigs or when they move around in unhygienic conditions that are pre-infested with infected substances.

• It is natural that pigs are able to catch both the human and the avian bird flu viruses. When the flu viruses from the various species contaminate the pigs, it gives rise to a new mixed virus.

• These mutated viruses from pigs get back into the human body and can then easily be passed on from one human to another. Therefore, transmission of swine flu spreads in a similar method to the seasonal flu i.e. by unprotected sneezing and coughing.

• That the symptoms of swine flu are very similar to that of the seasonal flu – wherein one witnesses sudden fever, muscle pain, coughing, and a feeling of severe tiredness. With this new strain making an appearance in the human body, it leads to more vomiting and diarrhea than is seen in normal seasonal flu afflicted people.

• That in order to prevent swine influenza from spreading, vaccines must be made available so that the humans can be protected from catching the deadly swine flue from the pigs. However, at present there in no known vaccine available to protect humans from swine flu; CDC is trying to formulate one. Nonetheless, seasonal influenza prescription vaccines available in the market do provide protection against the H3N2 virus but only partially; these vaccines are ineffective against the new strain of H1N1 virus which is in circulation at present.

• By eating pork or pork products people have a negligible chance of catching the swine flu virus; however, it is important that pig meat be cooked at a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit so that the swine flu virus is killed before being ingested by humans.

Article source
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:11 AM  
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Stuttering Journal-Diary
Stuttering is some what of a complex impediment that is thought to affect around one percent of the adult population. Much has been written about this form of speech impediment, this has especially been the case in more recent times as there have been some rather high profile famous people who have or have had a stutter, Joe Biden and Gareth Gates to name but two. A high percentage of what is written is basically way off the mark and to truly understand the subject of stuttering you need to speak to a person who is affected by this type of speech impediment.

The internet has sure made the world feel like a much smaller place; in fact I often wonder how the world survived without it. It is now so much easier to find out information about health problems for example. No longer do we have to visit the local library or rely on information from other people. We can now conduct our own research on the internet by searching on one of the major search engines such as Yahoo, Google or MSN. Yes there are some poor spammy looking websites out there, some of which have been built purely to generate income from affiliate schemes or adsense, however the majority of people soon click away from this trashy sites in the hope of finding a "proper" website.

As for the world of stuttering people can now read articles and journals from people who have had and who have overcome a stutter. This can be very inspirational to other people who are also hoping to achieve total fluency and they can also be a valuable resource to those who are studying stuttering as a subject.
posted by Healthy Life @ 11:04 AM  
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Cialis Tadalafil
Cialis Tadalafil Male impotence treatment medicine available via prescription and make life tension free and guilty

About Cialis - Its manufacturer and types

Cialis is an oral medication, which is useful for managing erectile dysfunction (ED) problem among men. Major drug maker, Eli Lilly manufacturers tadalafil and markets it under the brand name, Cialis.

People believe Cialis to be the next generation of Viagra, which revolutionized treatment of ED among men.

The difficulty in erection among men occurs due to narrowing of nerves in and around penis. It obstructs the flow of blood and erection does not last long enough for satisfactory intercourse. However, intake of temporary remedial drugs such as Cialis can drastically change the situation and men can get erection.

Who can take Cialis - Basic eligibility to take Cialis

Cialis is an anti-impotence drug that is obtainable only on prescription from a registered medical doctor. Men who suffer from a genuine problem of achieving erection can take Cialis after proper medical consultation. If a user is allergic to the ingredients of Cialis, serious side effects may occur.

Some conditions restrict men from taking Cialis dosage. Those men who suffer from medical conditions such as kidney problems, liver problems, and cardiovascular diseases should avoid taking Cialis dosage. Men should take Cialis only if it approved by their doctor.

Men who take nitrate drugs for treating other medical conditions should strictly avoid intake of Cialis. A combination of Cialis ingredients with nitrate drugs results in lowering blood pressure levels that can prove to be fatal.

Comes in the strength of

Cialis comes in tablet form in strengths of 10mg and 20mg. Men should take one dosage of Cialis as recommended by their doctor half an hour prior to sexual activity. These tablets are film-coated and resemble an almond in shape.

The intake of Cialis dosage does not help to increase sex drive. It works only under sexual stimulation.

Ingredients of Cialis

The main ingredient in Cialis is tadalafil, which is phosphodieterase type 5 inhibitor. It works by improving the blood flow around penis. The smooth blood regulation results in erection, which ensures smooth sexual intercourse.

Many processes taking place in the body are also responsible for erection. Due to sexual stimulation, the brain emits messages that result in releasing cyclic GMP and helps to relax blood vessels around penis. This relaxation of penis leads to hard erection.

Side effects of Cialis

Some of the common side effects of Cialis that are visible among users include an allergic reaction, sore throat, chest pain, dizziness, nausea, or shortness of breath. These side effects are treatable and go away easily. However, if these symptoms persist for a long time, then it is important to talk to a doctor who can suggest remedial treatment.

Dosage of Cialis along with drugs that include nitrate ingredients result in serious complication such as drop in blood pressure to unsafe levels. Consequently, you may feel dizziness or faintness. Men should strictly avoid this combination.

Availability of Cialis

Cialis medication is easily available worldwide as many nations have approved its use. The US premier health agency FDA has given its approval for small dosages of Cialis and the EU has approved its use in European nations.

Men can buy Cialis online as many pharmaceutical stores provide online services to people. All they need to ensure is that they select only a genuine and trustworthy website that ensures original version of Cialis.

Online method of buying Cialis is quite simple. It takes less time and even energy, as men do not have to queue in before pharmacies that sell Cialis. They need to fill in a prescription form citing all the details of their medical history. Based on these details, a doctor who works for these agencies decides the eligibility of Cialis intake.

How Cialis is best over Viagra?

The effects of Cialis become visible within 30 minutes after taking its dosage. In addition, its effects last for about 36 hours. On the other hand, Viagra lasts for four hours only.

Various clinical trials of Cialis have shown that it works in about 88 percent men who take it for treating their erectile dysfunction problem. The mild side effects of Cialis that usually disappear within few hours also give an edge to this drug over Viagra.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:58 AM  
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Get Rid of Face Acne Fast
Is acne affecting your life? Acne sounds like not a very big problem, but in reality it is. Acne can lower your self esteem, and how others view you. Most people want to get rid of acne as fast as possible and I am going to show you some tips on how to get rid of acne fast.

There are many different treatments and cures for acne. The truth is that everyone is different. A product that might work for your friend might not have the same results for you. With this in mind, you must find out what works best for you.

Ways to Get Rid of Acne:

Try different creams and cleaners. Do research on products before buying them. There are so many products to choose from so finding what works for you might be a challenge.

Change your eating habits. If you are finding yourself eating simple carbohydrates such as white rice, sodas, and sweets, begin by eliminating these foods. Try to eat healthier by including lean meats including fish and chicken. Add vegetables and eat fruit as snacks through ought the day.

Try using the home remedy of toothpaste. An easy way to remember this is to apply the toothpaste to your face after you brush your teeth at night.

Another method is to use salt and vinegar. Mix salt and vinegar with warm water and apply it to the affected areas.

These are only some of the methods to use. Do not let acne control your life. Once you find out what works for you, stick to it and you will get rid of face acne fast.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:53 AM  
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Basic Techniques Of Yoga Breathing

Whether hatha yoga, patanjali or Bikram yoga, traditional breathing techniques are stressed in all of them. These breathing techniques are also called Pranayama or breath of life. They are essential for deriving the greatest level of benefits fromyogic asanas or exercises. Techniques of yoga breathing not only carry oxygen to the muscles, open up our chest and lungs, clear out sinuses, get rid of headaches but also bring down stress levels.

Most of these are practical, easy to learn, help in reducing stress effectively and can be done almost anywhere. However, they must be taught by an expert yoga teacher. The most commonly used breathing techniques in yoga are listed below.

High Breathing

High Breathing primarily takes place in the upper part of the chest and lungs. This is also known as "Collarbone Breathing" and involves raising the ribs, collarbone and shoulders. People with Asthma, a tight belt, a full stomach or who otherwise become short of breath tend to resort to high breathing. This is the least desirable form of breathing since the upper lobes of the lungs are used and these have only a small air capacity.

Middle Breathing

In Middle Breathing, mainly the middle parts of the lungs are filled with air. It exhibits some of the characteristics of both high breathing - with the ribs rising and the chest expanding - and low breathing - with the diaphragm moving up and down and the abdomen in and out. It is also known as Thoracic or Rib Breathing. In this form of breathing, the ribs and chest are expanded sideways.

Low Breathing

Low breathing takes place in the lower part of the chest and lungs. It is far more effective than high or mid breathing. It consists mainly in moving the abdomen in and out and in changing the position of the diaphragm through such movements. Because of this, it is sometimes called "Abdominal Breathing."

This type of breathing is far superior to high or mid breathing because of four reasons:

(1) More air is taken in when inhaling, due to greater movement of the lungs and the fact that the lower lobes of the lungs have a larger capacity than the upper lobes.

(2) The diaphragm acts like a second Heart. Its piston-like movements expand the base of the lungs, allowing them to suck in more venous blood- the increase in the venous circulation improves the general Circulation.

(3) The abdominal organs are massaged by the up and down movements of the diaphragm.

(4) Low breathing has a beneficial effect on the solar plexus, which is a very important nerve center.

The Complete Breath

The Complete Breath, as defined by Yoga, involves the entire respiratory system and not only includes the portions of the lungs used in high, low and middle breathing, but expands the lungs. The Complete Breath is the basic technique of all the different types of Yoga Breathing, and therefore should be mastered under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

posted by Healthy Life @ 10:40 AM  
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Clear Face Acne
Acne is a problem that is among a majority of people. Acne can be very embarrassing for a number of people. Most of us have had acne throughout our life to certain extents. Don't get your hopes down because acne is definitely treatable. Did you know that stress and hormonal imbalances can effect acne? Daily activities in life that re stressful can cause acne. Although there may be not much we can do about the stress in our daily lives, we can certainly take precautions to treating acne.

Step 1- Wash your face everyday. Wash it in the morning when you wake up, and again when you go to sleep.

Step 2- Start eating a healthier diet! Try to vegetables, fruits, and lean meat. Chicken is a very good choice.

Step 3- Do not pop your zits. This can damage and scar your skin.

Step 4- Drink more water. Drinking more water is not only good for your health, but it can also help prevent acne. Water helps flush out toxins that can cause acne.

Step 5- Do not wear oil based makeup products. The oil in the makeup will only clog the pores in your skin and aggravate your acne. An alternative to oil based makeup is water based makeup.

Some other treatment that are not natural include: cosmetics, drugs, and cleaners. I myself do not like anything that is not natural. Some cleansers are fine to use, but prescription products I stay away from. If you make these small changes to your life, you will feel and look better in no time.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:52 AM  
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Premature Ejaculation Treatments - Which is Best For You?

With so many treatments around for premature ejaculation it is very difficult to decide which one to try and which one is most likely to be successful. For me the definition of a good treatment would be one that cures the problem permanently, has no side effects and does not spoil the enjoyment of making love.

So which methods should we go for, and which should we rule out?

Firstly I would rule out pills (unless you have a confirmed medical problem and the medication has been prescribed by your doctor). Pills only occasionally have the desired effect in fact most are actually placebos that convince your mind that you will perform as expected so in order for them to work you have to believe in them wholeheartedly.

Mental games do have their place in premature ejaculation cures but a lot of the success will depend on the type of problem you are experiencing. If you just need something to get you over a temporary hitch then they could work. The downside of trying to distract yourself when making love is that you are taking away some of the enjoyment of the experience. You will need to decide if reducing the enjoyment factor to prolong the experience is worth it. This may be the case if you are sure it will get you through this temporary blip.

Whilst the above treatments do have a place when it comes to treatments the most successful treatment by far has to be exercise. Exercise has found to be very good at solving all sorts of complaints and you will often find that exercise can treat the whole person not just the problem so you will find you whole well being improving.

There are several exercises that have been designed specifically to help with the treatment of premature ejaculation. Obviously everyone is different and you may need to do some research to find the best exercises that work for you. I myself did some research and if you click on the links in my signature you can find the results.

What you need to focus on is that you will be able to find a solution and although it may take some work and time the results will be worth it. A total cure may take some time but by using the right exercises you will find small improvements in a short space of time. It is these improvements that can be built on and in time you will wonder what it was you were worried about and the enjoyment you will have discovered!

posted by Healthy Life @ 10:40 AM  
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Remove Face Acne
There are tons and tons of different treatments, drugs, cosmetics, and cleaners in the world designed to help treat acne, but before going into all that, there are simple steps anyone can take to help control acne.

Step 1- Maintain a healthy diet. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean meat. Many health care specialists agree that maintaining a healthy diet can help your skins condition. Try to stay away from simple or refined carbohydrates and sugars. These include almost anything that is white. For example: White bread, white rice, pasta, soda, candy, etc. All of the previous foods listed can cause your bodies hormones to change which makes your bodies sebaceous glands produce oil.

Step 2- Drink more water. Try to consume 8-10 glasses of water daily. Your body is about 60% water so it is essential to stay hydrated. Not only does drinking water keep you hydrated, it also helps flush out toxins from inside the body. Your kidneys filter your blood, and without sufficient water your kidneys will not perform as well.

Step 3- Wash your face regularly! Make it a habit to wash your face in the morning when you wake up, and at night before you go to sleep. This will help eliminate bacteria on your face which will aid in keeping acne off your face.

Step 4- Get plenty of rest! You should be aiming for at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Rest is essential in keeping your immune system running at full speed. Your immune system protects your body from the outside world making it important to keep it in peak performance.

If you exercise these 4 principles in your daily life, you will feel and look better.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:51 AM  
Friday, April 3, 2009
Getting Rid of Age Spots is Not So Hard
How many times have you seen or heard the major cosmetics companies promising their customers that they have the answer that they need when it comes to getting rid of age spots? I'm sure that you have heard that marketing pitch quite often over the years, as well as many other promises made by these industry giants. Are they really true to their word though?

The answer to that question in my opinion would almost have to be a resounding no, and I'm sure that most of you that have tried these different skin care products for a variety of ailments would agree. How many times have you bought one of the skin care products that came with the promise to give you the world only to try it and find out that it didn't give you any results at all?

This is what you will get with the vast majority of the products that are marketed as the miracle formula for getting rid of age spots. This is because most of the cosmetics companies around the world have a tendency to include ingredients in their products that will not be of any benefit to your skin. They are primarily comprised of potentially damaging chemical agents.

The reason that these companies use these agents in their skin care products is due to the fact that they cost very little to use as ingredients. You will find that most of the cosmetics companies use these agents because they want to put as little money into the creation of the product as possible. They prefer to use their money for the purpose of marketing.

They would rather pay to advertise in order to promote sales than they would to do the research and development that is necessary in order to bring you a product that is efficient in getting rid of age spots. The ingredients that they should be using simply cost more to process than these companies want to spend. The ingredients that they should be using are all natural.

One of the natural ingredients that these companies should be providing you with in order to ensure your success is called Extrapone Nutgrass Root. This extract, which comes from a variety of plant native to India, is a natural melanin reducer. It can reduce the melanin that is causing your age spots by as much as 40%, and this root is also effective at balancing the overall tone of your skin.

The other ingredient that you need for getting rid of age spots is a mixture of proteins and enzymes which is known by the name Cynergy TK. It also works as a melanin inhibitor, and it contains two special proteins that have been clinically proven to increase your body's production of collagen, and elastin. This will give you smoother, wrinkle free skin.

Getting rid of age spots is not so hard when you have the right ingredients available to you, and these two that I mentioned are absolutely the best tools for making these unsightly marks disappear.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:36 AM  
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
How Do Penis Enhancement Pills Work?

The most common sexual problems that men face include erectile dysfunction and lack of proper ejaculatory control. There are many products that claim to help men on these two counts. Apart form these most men dream of having bigger penises. This is another area of male enhancement.

Pills or supplements are the most common product that almost every man is aware of and this is largely due to heavy and extensive advertising of such products in various forms of media but I am sure you must have often wondered how a simple tablet and make your member grow.

Such tablets or supplements are comprised of herbs and other nutrients that:

  • increase blood flow to the genitals and
  • increase testosterone production

Both the above factors are crucial for achieving rock hard erections. Good blood flow is critical and if your blood circulation is impaired you are not going to achieve erections that are hard enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Moreover, testosterone is the hormone that regulates sex drive and sexual function in men. The secretion of this hormone begins declining after the age of 30 and this results in a decline in male libido and sexual dysfunction.

Now, certain herbs such as ginseng, ginkgo, muira pauma, saw palmetto, tribulus terrestris etc., have been used since ages to boost sexual function in men. These herbs not only increase blood circulation to the genitals but also help you achieve an optimum testosterone level.

But this is not all.

Natural supplements or tablet also help enhance the force with which blood is being pumped into the erectile tissue. This expands the erectile tissue and increases its capacity to hold blood resulting in longer and thicker erections.

However, this increase in erection size is temporary. But if you combine these natural tablets with exercises called Jelqs, you can cement these size gains.

Such natural formulations are highly effective but they work slowly and hence it is important for you to have supplement for at least 6 months in order to reap its complete benefits.

While selecting a supplement, you need to make sure that it is clinically approved and endorsed by doctors. Moreover, it should not contain Yohimbe which has been banned by the FDA.

posted by Healthy Life @ 10:40 AM  

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