Health Pharm
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Improve Eyesight Naturally

Have you ever wondered if you could really improve your eyesight naturally? No more glasses, contacts or that dreaded surgery? In this article I'm going to share with you the proven methods of how you can improve your eyesight naturally.

Here we go!

Back in 1880, Dr. William H. Bates was a well known physician. He conceived the idea that if it was possible to repair broken bones then it must be possible to improve poor eyesight.

He was one of the first to investigate the idea that only eyeglasses could help a person see clearly. By the end of his research, he successfully proved this notion to be a myth.

Dr. Bates experimented on his own patients and discovered that a person's eyesight is affected by many factors. Most of those include their stress level, eye strain, as well as their diet.

He also discovered that in the majority of his cases, the vision was improved by doing well-structured eye relaxation exercises.

Because of his desire to help more people rid their eyeglasses forever, in 1891 he quit his practice as a doctor to do just that.

These methods proved that their eyesight could improve naturally. They also applied to any type of visual problems as well as defects including:

* Astigmatism
* Cataract
* Cross-Eye (strabismus)
* Dyslexia
* Eyestrain
* Glaucoma
* Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness)
* Lazy Eye (amblyopia)
* Light Sensitivity
* Macular Degeneration
* Near-Sightedness (myopia)
* Poor Night Vision
* Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight)
* Tension Headache
* And More

This material reveals extraordinary techniques that have helped so many people.

To sum this up, there are proven methods that can improve eyesight naturally. Thanks to Dr. Bates and his desire to help others overcome their dependency with eyeglasses.

posted by Healthy Life @ 10:16 AM  

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