Health Pharm
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Premature Ejaculation Treatments - Which is Best For You?

With so many treatments around for premature ejaculation it is very difficult to decide which one to try and which one is most likely to be successful. For me the definition of a good treatment would be one that cures the problem permanently, has no side effects and does not spoil the enjoyment of making love.

So which methods should we go for, and which should we rule out?

Firstly I would rule out pills (unless you have a confirmed medical problem and the medication has been prescribed by your doctor). Pills only occasionally have the desired effect in fact most are actually placebos that convince your mind that you will perform as expected so in order for them to work you have to believe in them wholeheartedly.

Mental games do have their place in premature ejaculation cures but a lot of the success will depend on the type of problem you are experiencing. If you just need something to get you over a temporary hitch then they could work. The downside of trying to distract yourself when making love is that you are taking away some of the enjoyment of the experience. You will need to decide if reducing the enjoyment factor to prolong the experience is worth it. This may be the case if you are sure it will get you through this temporary blip.

Whilst the above treatments do have a place when it comes to treatments the most successful treatment by far has to be exercise. Exercise has found to be very good at solving all sorts of complaints and you will often find that exercise can treat the whole person not just the problem so you will find you whole well being improving.

There are several exercises that have been designed specifically to help with the treatment of premature ejaculation. Obviously everyone is different and you may need to do some research to find the best exercises that work for you. I myself did some research and if you click on the links in my signature you can find the results.

What you need to focus on is that you will be able to find a solution and although it may take some work and time the results will be worth it. A total cure may take some time but by using the right exercises you will find small improvements in a short space of time. It is these improvements that can be built on and in time you will wonder what it was you were worried about and the enjoyment you will have discovered!

posted by Healthy Life @ 10:40 AM  

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