Health Pharm
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Taking a Look at the Panic Attack and Ways to Treat It
The most frequently-reported symptoms of a panic attack are shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, flushed cheeks, trembling and rapid heartbeat. In fact, the accompanying chest pain, trouble swallowing and throat constriction are very close to what heart attack victims experience, so many panic attack disorder patients come to the hospital fearing that they are dying.

Like a heart attack, the symptoms of panic attacks often come on suddenly, without warning, peaking within 10 minutes and lasting approximately 30 minutes. The worst part about panic attacks is the residual fear of having another one, which leads the people who experience the most extreme cases to remain in their homes, afraid to leave.

If a person has the symptoms of regular panic attacks, then the doctor will look at the patient's medical history and administer a regular physical exam. There are no laboratory tests to diagnose a panic attack, but the doctor can check to rule out physical illnesses that mimic a panic anxiety disorder.

In the absence of a physical illness, a psychiatrist or psychologist will interview the patient and administer a series of tests to determine whether or not the patient fits the paradigm. Whether a person has a full-blown disorder or is simply suffering anxiety due to current life circumstances, there is panic attack help available.

If left untreated, the complications of panic attacks may include the development of a phobia. For instance, 36% of the people with this type of disorder also suffer from Agoraphobia, which is the fear of crowded places or of having a panic episode in public. Some people contract Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or fear things like speaking in public or interacting with people, flying, driving, heights, blood, being in social situations or fear of death.

About 30% of patients abuse alcohol and 17% abuse illicit drugs, which may also contribute to what causes anxiety attacks. Many of these patients have problems in work or school, depression and suicidal tendencies, strained interpersonal relationships and financial trouble.

Experts say that with appropriate treatment, 90% of panic attack sufferers can find relief. People with severe symptoms may need panic attack medication. Anti-depressants like Paxil and Zoloft, as well as medications like Xanax or Klonopin, are often choice drugs to regulate the disorder. Many patients find psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy to be extremely empowering and effective at helping them learn how to deal with their condition.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:11 AM  
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
How to Quit Smoking and Never Start Again
Back in the summer of 2000 I was laying in my bed one morning with a painful hangover from all the whiskey and red bull from the night before. The red bull had woken me up with a bang and was not allowing me to sleep off my hangover.

I had smoked a ton of cigarettes, maybe sixty or more and had dragged heavy on them as you do when you're drunk. I could feel their effect too. My chest felt tight and constricted and I could feel the phlegm ready to come up. I zombie walked to the bathroom and proceeded to cough up the vile phlegm that had become part of my morning ritual.

This was my turning point though. The pain of being like this at 27 years old, so unhealthy etc, created such a psychological pain inside me that I decided I had to quit. I simply did not want to be like this anymore. I wanted to be free. I think alcoholics call this rock bottom when referring to their habit. But I think it's necessary to break any habit. The pain of continuing has to be greater than the pain of stopping. We humans will do a lot to avoid pain so why not take advantage of this driving force within us?

So I urge you now to find what your pain is linked to smoking. It might vary from person to person. Is it health, money spent on fags, the thought of being impotent as a man or maybe the horrible lines on the face for you ladies? Really think about it. Picture, feel, and hear what it will be like in the future and how this will affect you. Is this the way you want to live?? Maybe you don't want your kids to grieve your passing too soon in life?

Next you can think about the advantages of giving up and there are many -they will motivate you too. Again go into the future and experience it, picture it, feel it and hear it. Find the advantages that relates to you.

I think pills, patches, hypnosis, EFT etc are all useful but I believe the dynamic described above will be the core thing that will keep get you off the fags and keep you off.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:36 AM  
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Do You Know What Causes a Panic Disorder?
When someone notices a baby about to fall out of his or her highchair, panic sets in, encouraging immediate action. Driving in a blizzard, being pushed through a crowd in Times Square, standing atop the Empire State Building, walking into a funeral home or finding out a loved one has been cheating are all cases that may create panic or anxiety in any person. However, for some, the fear of panic becomes so great and symptoms so strong that they begin to alter their behavioral patterns to avoid anxiety. Of the 2 to 6 million Americans who suffer from panic anxiety, it is estimated that about 5% have a full blown panic disorder.

So what causes a person's first panic attack, which could later lead to the full scale panic disorder? Researchers have found a few clues regarding what may trigger this seemingly sudden and inexplicable feeling of terror and worry. Some scientists purport that most patients are under a lot of stress and one final and almost insignificant thing sets a person off.

Other scientists believe that some people are naturally predisposed to hereditary panic attacks. Yet a third school of thought says that panic attack disorder sets off when one's "fight or flight" response gets triggered by false alarms, which become learned alarms over time, evoking future panic attacks.

There are several other intriguing statistics to consider. First, women are twice as likely to develop panic attack anxiety as men. Two additional studies found that identical twins are more likely to both suffer from panic attack disorder, whereas fraternal twins are not.

These studies suggest that there may, in fact, be biological ties to panic, although the genetic markers have yet to be identified. Whether it's a cause or effect is not clear, but 50 to 60% of those who suffer from panic attacks also suffer from depression; 45% of panic attack patients were victims of sexual abuse; 35% of sufferers have alcohol or substance abuse problems; and 26% of patients have incapacitating agoraphobia, which is a fear of public places.

To stop anxiety, doctors usually prescribe fast-acting antidepressants or sedatives during the initial phase of treatment. However, there is always a worry or concern that people may become addicted to the panic attack medication when used as a quick fix. A much more long-term panic disorder treatment plan is to attend cognitive behavioral therapy or psychotherapy sessions, which usually show improvement within 8 to 10 weeks. Without treatment, the panic attacks can be quite debilitating for the sufferer.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:10 AM  
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
How to Quit Smoking With Ease
Smoking is a very bad thing. Smoking causes several diseases and can destroy a family. Trust me on this one. My friends family was destroyed because he was addicted smoker. He just never wanted to stop smoking. As you may know, there are many ways to quit smoking. There are two methods that are really effective. You can either go to the gym or chew a lot of gum.

So, lets start with the chewing a lot of gum method. Chewing a lot of gums will make lose the cigarette taste. Do not try Nicotine, it makes your situation worse. Just chew normal gums. If ever one day you have the cigarette taste, quickly chew a gum and you will lose the taste automatically. Always keep a packet of gum with you because you never know when the taste can come back. The day you feel that you will not smoke anymore, you can stop carrying gum with you.

The second method to quit smoking is to go to the gym often. You have to sweat it out at the gym. Intense workouts will help you a lot. After going to gym, you will not want to smoke a cigarette for the rest of your life. In other words, sweating gets all the toxic out of your body. Now, I think you get the idea why working out helps you to quit smoking.

If these methods do not help you, then try other methods. These two are not the only ones. So my friends, I hope you succeed in your battle with smoking. Good Luck.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:36 AM  
Saturday, June 14, 2008
4 Steps to Changing Your Life With Hypnosis
Many of us have things we want to change about ourselves. But for some reason, it's no so easy! What many don't realize is mind is like an iceberg: we try to change the 10% we see, but do nothing with the 90% hidden away.

Your habits and underlying beliefs are a product of that part of the mind that many find to be mysterious: the subconscious. The subconscious contains programmed behaviors it learned from the decisions you made as you grew up. It is the reason why change can be very hard. Your conscious mind, that 10% tip of the iceberg, is trying to push against the subconscious, that 90% hidden resource we have trouble communicating with.

Through hypnosis, that communication is possible. Once that communication door is opened, amazing changes can occur.

The funny thing about the subconscious is this: it does not know the difference between what you see from what you imagine you see. The subconscious mind learns from actions, not wants or words. Therefore, in order to make changes you must SHOW the subconscious what you want to change. We can use this odd quirk of the subconscious to make lasting changes using three simple steps.

Step 1. Prepare for self-hypnosis by finding a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for a few minutes. Then close your eyes. In his book, Hypnosis: Medicine of the Mind, Dr. Michael Preston says closing the eyes reduces mental activity by 1/8th. This helps to quiet you and relax you for the next step.

Step 2. Visualize or imagine exactly what you want. Put yourself there and use all five senses in the imaginary scene. Really concentrate on this image to add as many details as you can using all your senses. Seeing yourself in the scene is an important part of the communication to the subconscious.

Let us pretend you want to quit smoking. You should SEE yourself not smoking. Not only not smoking, but turning down cigarettes offered by others, or throwing away the ones you have in your pocket. Perhaps even imagine smashing the pack under your heel into the dirt. HEAR yourself telling your family and friends that you don't smoke anymore that you hate smoking. HEAR their reactions and the conversation that comes from it. FEEL how much clearer the air is when you don't smoke. Breathe it in. TASTE the difference in food when you don't smoke. Notice how good your clothes SMELL when you don't smoke.

Step 3. Add emotion to the scene. Having an emotional reaction is like ringing the bell at the customer service desk to get some attention. An emotional reaction jolts the subconscious into action. Emotions tell the subconscious that what it sees is not a normal event, but something it must pay attention to.

In your imaginary scene, feel the joy of being a nonsmoker. Imagine the cigarettes in the trash and feel disgusted with them. See others smoking and feel the disappointment. See those who are sick or have died from cigarettes and imagine the sense of loss and grief. Make the emotion as real as possible. Don't be afraid to really feel the emotion, even if it makes you start crying.

Imagine this scene for about five minutes. If you go longer you may lose focus and your mind will wander. If you go shorter, you may not form the vision strong enough to make a difference.

This technique can be very powerful. Although it may seem like daydreaming, it is direct communication with the subconscious mind. Because it is so easy, you can use it against yourself too. Feeling sorry for yourself and imagining the worst in a situation can make that situation come true. You must always be positive when using this technique. The old adage, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it" is very appropriate when dealing with the subconscious mind.

Step 4. Take action. Now that you have told your subconscious you want to quit smoking (or any other habit you want to break), you must try to resist the urge to smoke. Hold out as long as you can. Let the subconscious mind know you are fighting the urge to smoke. The subconscious learns from actions. Let it learn that you don't want to smoke.

Practice this technique two to three times per day and you'll be surprised to find what it can do for you by the end of the month.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:09 AM  
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I Quit Smoking by Hypnosis - Can You?
Trying to quit smoking can be torture to the smoker. There is no quick fix to quitting, but there is a more safe and effective way to quit...

If you quit smoking by using hypnosis, you will find that it can lessen the stress and torture of quitting.

Hypnosis is safe and has been used over the years to help smokers quit. It has also been known to be one of the safest ways. Most smokers respond very well to the hypnosis techniques.

In most cases, there will be no need to use any other product to help you quit. You can quit smoking by using easily downloadable self-hypnosis MP3s that provide these techniques via audio files you can use at home, work or in the car.

Information products have become a big business and in many different areas. They provide an easier, cost effective way for the consumer to gain access to information they would otherwise have to pay much more to get. Since these information products are so readily available and easy to download, you can get started with your quit smoking by hypnosis MP3 right after it is downloaded.

The money you will save over having to pay a professional is a big advantage in todays tough economic times.

You will be saving money by using downloadable MP3s to quit smoking by hypnosis as well as no longer having to buy cigarettes. Imagine how much you will save over a period of just a few months. That alone proves to be a return on your investment of MP3s.

These MP3s guide you step by step using these techniques used by professionals to help people quit. Since you can do this from the comfort of your home, it allows you to be in a more stress-free environment while you are going through the steps. Even if your home life is somewhat stressful, these MP3s provide you with stress management techniques that aid in your effort to quit the nasty smoking habit.

There are many reasons to quit smoking and many products and methods you can use to quit. Hypnosis is the most effective and safe way to quit for most smokers. How long it takes you to quit smoking is mostly determined by your own desire to stop the habit for good.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:36 AM  
Monday, June 9, 2008
Causes of Insomnia
What are the leading causes of insomnia? One of the good paths towards remedies of whatever ails a person is to track down their root causes. As with virtually any ailment, there is a lot of variability. If you don't think I've identified the cause of your insomnia specifically, perhaps the proverb "know thyself" would help you identify it yourself. Otherwise, you could tell me a little about yourself and I could try to be a good detective and nail down the cause of your insomnia.

I'll warn you that this list is not completely exhaustive. It's still likely that one of these are contributing to your sleeplessness:

Poor Nutrition: A healthy lifestyle, which includes the right amount of restorative sleep start with a balanced diet. I know there is a NO-CARBS thing going on nowadays, which is not bad, but I find that too much meat and dairy aren't exactly the best for insomniacs. I would just suggest a balanced diet. Fruits and especially a lot of green, leafy vegetables would be my #1 piece of nutritional advice.

Stress: I would re-emphasize the "know thyself' proverb. You know what stresses you out, you're the only one who can decide how to deal with it, and the only one with the power to let it go, and keep it/them from stressing you out.

Insomnia can have many other causes but the key is not identify them so that you can get yourself on the path to recovery which means lots and lots of sweet dreams.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:08 AM  
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Natural Hyperthyroidism Treatment
Hyperthyroidism (over activity of the thyroid gland) is where the gland is producing excessive amounts of the two main thyroid hormones. The result is that many of the body's processes such as the heart rate speed up. It tends to run in families and the condition is more common in women than in men.

Weight loss, fatigue, increased appetite, irritability, goiter, sweating, sensitivity to heat and bulging eyes are all symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Because of the increase in the metabolic rate of people with this condition they burn calories and use vital nutrients much faster than normal.

A swollen neck due to an enlargement of the thyroid gland is known as goiter. The swelling is usually soft although it may be hard and lumpy. It will most times be accompanied by some of the various symptoms described above.

Natural Hyperthyroidism Treatment

If you suffer from this condition you must limit nicotine, alcohol and caffeine (found in tea, coffee, colas and plain chocolate). Doing this will reduce the symptoms as they can all raise the metabolic rate. Vital is your diet. You should have a nutrient rich diet daily. Iodine rich foods may help. Avoid foods such as raw cabbage, turnips and swedes as they inhibit the body's ability to use iodine in the production of thyroid hormones.

To replace muscle tissue that has been lost you will need additional protein in the form of fish and eggs for example. Essential for the metabolism of extra carbohydrates and protein is ample intake of vitamin B. This can be found in whole grains, potatoes and diary products.

Natural hyperthyroidism treatment will enable you to feel healthy fast and resume living with no stress and no surgery.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:08 AM  
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hemorrhoid Treatment - Ways to Deal Get Hemorrhoid Relief
Curing hemorrhoids can be done in a matter of days since hemorrhoid treatment is a simple process. It's necessary to undergo severe treatment however if the condition is very aggravated. With the aid of a well-balanced, healthy diet, is how hemorrhoids are usually treated. The constant intake of fluids is needed as well as adopting a fiber-rich diet in order to have a long lasting treatment that is ideal.

Drugs that are over the counter and other medications are available as well if those are what you're looking for though. You will just have to visit a doctor and get yourself checked by your doctor, who will prescribe the necessary medications automatically. If you desire creams that can be spread around the anus, they are also available. The division of hemorrhoid treatment can be explained by the following.

Using Ayurveda for treatment

Since the beginning, people have been leading healthy lives with the aid of ayurveda. Serious maladies have been cured using totally safe medications produced with the use of herbs. Natural products such as calendula, green leaves, jojoba and the like have been producing positive results for hemorrhoid treatment.

Using surgery for treatment

A good option regarding hemorrhoid treatment is surgery. There are different choices to choose from: diminish bulging through injection which relieves the pain of the patient. The chemical of this injection can facilitate blood de-coagulation and prevent if from swelling and coagulation. Also, you can undertake the following procedure for hemorrhoid treatment. Causing the hemorrhoid to diminish in size and become normal can be done by exposing it to laser rays.

You will understand that its absolutely pain free once you undergo it. The process of photocoagulation which you can also try is also as pain-free and it is done by using infrared beams. What this entails is using an instrument that can burn hemorrhoid tissue and cure it. This process sounds like it can cause considerable pain, but it actually doesn't. Another treatment is rubber coagulation which involves using a rubber band to let it become effective and can relieve hemorrhoid pain.

A rubber band which is placed in your rectum, around the base, is performed in this procedure. Then the rubber band will continuously cut the circulation of that area leading to the withering of the hemorrhoid. You will then be left with a perfectly normal anus because the hemorrhoid will simply fall-off!

Personal precautions

You can take personal precautions when indulging in hemorrhoid treatment by way of keeping good food habits and eating lots of fibers which will make your stool soft and not put much pressure on your anal walls. Preventing hemorrhoid treatment is also possible through the practice of using squat toilets and not sitting toilets.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:36 AM  
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