Health Pharm
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Drug Abuse Facts You Should Know
In this article I will discuss about the drug abuse facts that you need to know. First and foremost, the definitions: drug habituation refers to the psychological dependence on certain drugs. In other words, it is a state of an individual who is physically dependent on the drugs yet not addicted to it. Drug addiction is the habitual use of a particular drug, getting hold of it and making it on one's top priority over other things. Drug abuse means the use of illegal drugs or the abuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs in quantities or amounts other than indicated therein and for reasons or manner other than those for which they're directed.

If we have drug abuse problems pervading in our midst, what could be the root cause of this? Actually, the root cause/s of the problem are too diverse, ranging from teens belonging in a single parent family, some persons with dysfunctional families, teens with a record of drug abuse running in their families, even youngsters of Latin origin, and especially those economically deprived kids. Furthermore, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), they run a survey which is researching and analyzing the trends since several years and it demonstrates that there's actually a considerable diminished use of all kinds or types of drugs excluding those inhalants.

Certainly, there's been a declining drift, however, not really satisfying since there's still a vast percentage of teens and youngsters who still get themselves involved into all this. And do you know that the problems which beset with these kinds of drugs could be both indirect and direct effects? The direct outcome of these kinds of drugs can be the following: insomnia, addiction, heightened reaction time, hyper somnolence (excessive sleepiness-like falling asleep unintentionally) and etc. Nevertheless, the indirect ones are also as in the same way as hazardous and treacherous. For example, they can be easy victims to Hepatitis B and C, AIDS, and other transmittable and communicable illnesses.

So how to go about identifying and diagnosing drug abuse? Even though the diagnosis of the drug abuse is not really tough at a fully developed phase, yet the essential parts at an early phase are: the youngster is having a strange sleep pattern, becoming less and less social, weakness, anorexia, and inferior or disappointing performance at school. Okay now, let's go to the different types of drug abuse. 1. LSD-causes insomnia and hypertension. 2. Steroids-causes particular feminine transformations in men and vice versa. 3. Cocaine-harmful effects on cerebrovascular and cardiovascular systems. 4. Marijuana-causes learning and memory impairments. 5. Nicotine (in cigarettes)-widely known to be connected to cause skin, ovarian and most especially lung cancer.

Harms not just the immune system and the lungs but also the entire human body. It is by far the most destructive and the most heavily used among the other drugs. 6. Methamphetamine-its chief side effects are anorexia, being hyperactive, psychosis and insomnia. To solve the problem of drug abuse, it needs both social and medical treatment as well.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:45 AM  
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Total Colon and Body Cleanse
A lot of different types of diseases are known to start with the intestines. It is a good idea for your body to have a colon cleanse because this will actually detoxify your whole body. There are a lot of ways that you can go about doing this. There are medications and drugs that are available for you to use in order to do this. There are also old remedies that are available everywhere. There are teas that are supposed to help with cleansing your system. Yet, there are some homemade items that you can make to create the colon and body cleanse of your choice.

One such recipe for this is the Lemon Drink. You need to get 14 ounces of water that is room temperature and put in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Then you add in 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup, Grade B. You do not want to use Grade A at all! You want to have dark maple syrup because it is better and healthier for you. Mix that all together and then a 1/10 teaspoon or a small pinch of cayenne pepper to the drink.

Yet, there are herbal laxatives that are available that help you with cleansing. All you have to do is get some herbal laxative tea. The tea will help with elimination as you drink it. You should drink it at night right before you go to bed.

Still, you can go on a liquid fast. There are a lot of liquid diet plans that are available on line. One of them includes drinking orange juice and eating no meats.

It is important to realize that everyone has a different type of body. While some people can get away with a liquid fast, others will not be able to do this. Be sure you know how your body will react to the liquid fast. If you get sick during it, be sure to eat some protein. If you remain sick, go to a doctor. While the liquid fast is safe and effective for a colon and body cleanse, bodies will react differently.

When choosing the best method for you to have a colon and body cleanse, remember that you will still want to eat a healthy proportioned meal unless otherwise stated.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:19 AM  
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Do You Need Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment?
Inpatient eating disorder treatment is time and again rejected because people with bad eating behaviors repeatedly consider that they are not worthy of assistance. If you consider you are in need of assistance, you ought to explain this with your councilor. If there is a list of things that are going wrong in your life because of a bad eating behavior, you are definitely ready for inpatient treatment. Being at a physically fit or unhealthy body mass doesn't determine whether or not you have a bad eating behavior. It is possible to succumb from disorder symptoms such as; binging and purging, taking laxatives, induced vomiting while still holding a perfectly reasonable weight. You need assistance coping with your issues in a healthy approach and inpatient eating disorder treatment can coach you. Ask your psychologist for a referral.

NICE Guidelines for the coping with and treatment of bad eating behaviors are handy from the (institute of psychiatry) they plainly lay out when an individual calls for eating disorder inpatient treatment, make a copy and take it to your general practitioner and they will cover it with you.

What kind of questions should I expect on my first visit? People are usually excited about counseling. Many believe the therapist is going to consider that they are messed up.

The therapist is there to give you an evaluation and present you with an unbiased glimpse on the things that are irritating the disorder.

The therapist is a professional and is not going to consider you are messed up; this is their calling, and they should discern that this is a disease, not a personality attribute, and be able to navigate you in your rehabilitation. The therapist will talk with you a lot of different things; eating patterns, how you feel about eating and various eating associated questions, also about your life in general get an all-inclusive point of view for your state. The therapist is going to ask questions based on their technique. They are there to help you figure yourself out. Therapy is a liberating experience, it is the one place you can be screwed up and it's okay.

You must remember that emotions are not fact and your feelings can betray you. You are worthy to get healthy! If eating or not eating is ruining the way you want to live then you should think over going to a disorder clinic. How sick you are is not the key but how much power it has over your life. Ask your councilor for a referral and see what programs are on hand for your needs. If your hopes and lifestyle before the disorder started are being delayed or pushed aside, then you may need inpatient eating disorder treatment.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:45 AM  
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Do You Have These Basal Migraine Symptoms?
Even people that are familiar with headaches would be challenged to recite the basal migraine symptoms, part of the reason is the confusion over the name itself. Originally termed Basilar Artery Migraine or (BAM) the name was revised and is now generally referred to as a Basilar-Type Migraine or (BTM). However, there is still quite a bit of confusion around the specific name and the headache is often referred to as a basal migraine, a basal artery migraine, or a basilar migraine as well.

Regardless of the name used to describe the headache, it is both rare and generally very severe. Because of the rarity of the basal migraine researchers are still learning more about the condition with limited funding. In addition, it is unlikely that most medical practitioners have experience with the basal migraine symptoms which makes the chances of a misdiagnosis higher.

Initial research suggested that basilar artery migraine were more common in young women than other demographics, but subsequent research has shown that it affects all age groups and both men and women. However, women are more likely to experience basal migraines than men, three times as many which is similar to migraine headaches statistics as well. Some have suggested, as they have with migraines, that basilar migraines in women are related to the change in hormones caused by menstruation.

Basal migraine symptoms include an aura originating from the brainstem and generally last less than 60 minutes. The aura can cause temporary blindness and obviously be quite scary for this reason. While scientists consider the basal migraine a "regular" migraine with aura, the localization to the brainstem requires a different treatment than is given to Migraineurs and a completely different set of drugs.

For a proper diagnosis, basal migrain symptoms must include at least at least two attacks meeting the following criteria:

* Aura consisting of at least two of the following fully reversible symptoms, but no motor weakness:

o dysarthria (impairments or clumsiness in the speaking of words due to diseases that affect the oral, lingual, or pharyngeal muscles)

o vertigo (sense of spinning)

o tinnitus

o hypacusia (impaired hearing)

o diplopia (double vision)

o visual symptoms simultaneously in both temporal and nasal fields of both eyes

o ataxia (incoordination and unsteadiness)

o decreased level of consciousness

o simultaneously bilateral paresthesias (abnormal or unpleasant sensation often described as numbness or as a prickly, stinging, or burning feeling)

* At least one of the following:

o at least one aura symptom develops gradually over five or more minutes and/or different aura symptoms occur in succession over five or more minutes

o each aura symptom lasts five or more and 60 minutes or less

* headache meeting criteria Migraine without aura begins during the aura or follows aura within 60 minutes

Like with any medical problem it is important that you gather as much information you can about your condition and participate in the diagnosis and treatment of the condition. If you exhibit any of the signs above consult with your medical professional and give them this info for further analysis.

While the basal migraine symptoms are often more scary than harmful, it is important that you receive a proper diagnosis to ensure that the typical basilar migraine symptoms are not confused with more another condition.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:11 AM  
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Cholesterol - All You Need to Know!
When you go to the doctor and he tells you your cholesterol level, you typically are told your TOTAL blood cholesterol level. Ever wondered how cholesterol gets into your blood? The body's liver makes most of the cholesterol it needs - yes, NEEDS. Some cholesterol is absorbed from the food you eat.

Why does the body NEED cholesterol?

The body needs cholesterol to make several important hormones including estrogen and testosterone. In addition, cholesterol is part of the protective covering that surrounds nerves and other cell membranes.

Why is having a high blood cholesterol level bad?

Elevated cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease. For a better assessment of your risk of heart disease, it is important to know not only your total cholesterol but also your HDL. The total cholesterol consists of HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein), and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein). LDL is the bad guy. HDL is the good guy. Why? LDL cholesterol sticks to your the walls of your blood vessels and can cause blockage. VLDL is the precursor to LDL cholesterol. HDL goes around in the blood stream, collects bad cholesterol, and carries it back to the liver where it is broken down.

What is considered a healthy level in the blood?

It is desirable to keep total cholesterol levels below 200mg/dl. Values above 240 mg/dl are considered significantly elevated. If you know your LDL value, it is desirable to have this type of cholesterol below 130 mg/dl. Values for LDL above 160 are considered significantly elevated. Because HDL is the good guy, you want this level high. Values below 35 mg/dl are a HIGH risk indicator for heart disease. It is more desirable to have HDL levels close to 50 mg/dl or higher.

The Total Cholesterol:

HDL Ratio is a good indicator of risk. To calculate this important ratio, divide your Total cholesterol value by your HDL value. The HIGHER the ratio, the GREATER the risk of heart disease. For example: Total = 240 mg/dl HDL = 30 mg/dl Ratio = 240/30 = 8.0

*This is a high risk ratio.


What is cholesterol?

It is a waxy, fat-like substance.

What foods contain cholesterol?

Foods of animal origin are the ONLY foods that contain cholesterol. Foods of plant origin, even those naturally containing fat, DO NOT contain cholesterol.

Cholesterol in food:

There are a number of factors that affect your blood cholesterol level. One factor, is a diet high in dietary cholesterol. Moderation is advised to keep cholesterol levels in check. The American Heart Association and the National Cholesterol Education Program recommend that you consume 300 mg of cholesterol or less per day.

As stated above, foods of animal origin are the ONLY foods that contain cholesterol. Foods of plant origin, even those naturally containing fat, DO NOT contain cholesterol. Are certain foods of animal origin higher in cholesterol than others? Yes.

Not many people enjoy eating organ meats, such as liver. If you are someone who does, you should know that organ meats are high in cholesterol, 270 mg per 3-ounce serving of liver. While liver is nutritious, if you are at risk for heart disease then you need to limit your intake.

Egg yolks have gotten a bad rap in the past. Why? It is because egg yolks are high in cholesterol, 215 mg per yolk. The yolk is definitely nutritious, its purpose is to provide nutrients for a chick embryo to develop. Unfortunately, it contains too much cholesterol to eat it as you please. You should limit the number of yolks you eat to 3 or less per week. What about the whites? Eat as many whites as you like. The white part of an egg contains no cholesterol and is a rich, complete source of protein.

To limit the number of egg yolks, you can substitute 2 egg whites for one whole egg when baking. For example, a recipe calls for 2 eggs. You could either use 1 whole egg plus 2 egg whites OR 4 egg whites. By doing this simple substitution, you will decrease the cholesterol content. Another option is to use an egg substitute, check label for egg equivalent.

As for meats, look for leaner cuts of meat, fish, and poultry. Cut away excess fat before cooking. Choose low-fat dairy products. By following these steps, you will not be able to eliminate all the cholesterol but you are taking important steps towards healthy eating.

Read food labels for foods low in cholesterol or foods that are cholesterol free. How do you know if a product is low in cholesterol? Here are the food label requirements (government regulated):

Label claim -- Per Serving:
(1) Cholesterol Free - Less than 2 mg cholesterol and Less than or equal to 2 g of saturated fat

(2) Low Cholesterol - Less than or equal to 20 mg cholesterol and Less than or equal to 2 g of saturated fat

(3) Reduced OR Less Cholesterol - At least 25% less cholesterol than the original and Less than or equal to 2 g of saturated fat

The above shows requirements for saturated fat. This is because blood cholesterol levels are significantly affected by dietary saturated fat intake. Cholesterol and saturated fat usually are found in the same foods, thus sometimes get confused. In animal products, both the lean portion (flesh or muscle) and the fatty tissue contain cholesterol. This is why some low-fat foods (animal) can be relatively high in cholesterol. Foods such as shellfish and organ meats are high in cholesterol yet low in saturated fat.

Quiz question:

Nuts are high in fat, 80-89% of calories coming from fat. Do they contain cholesterol?
A: No. Nuts are from plant origin therefore they contain NO cholesterol.

Do not assume that dishes that contain vegetables or grains are cholesterol free. Vegetables and grains start off cholesterol free BUT most recipes include egg yolk, milk, meat, or butter. The cholesterol content depends on the recipe ingredients as a whole.

Effects of Saturated Fat:

If you have heart disease or have a family history of heart disease, it is likely your doctor has asked you to follow a diet low in fat and cholesterol. The fat to watch is saturated fat. Saturated fat INCREASES the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol in your blood. This is why it is so important to pay attention to the amount of saturated fat that is in your diet.

You do not have to avoid all fats. Unsaturated fats actually lower LDL cholesterol levels. "Unsaturated fats" includes polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fat is considered better than polyunsaturated fat. Why? In addition to lowering the "bad" LDL cholesterol, polyunsaturated fat lowers the "good" HDL cholesterol. As discussed above, HDL is beneficial because it collects LDL and brings it back to the liver where the LDL is broken down. Monounsaturated fat leaves the beneficial HDL cholesterol intact.

*Sources of Polyunsaturated Fat: Corn Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Safflower Oil, Soybean Oil

*Sources of Monounsaturated Fat: Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Peanut Oil

The main sources of saturated fat are from foods from animal origin and some from plants. Animal foods that are high in saturated fat include beef, veal, lamb, pork, butter, cream, milk (whole and 2%), cheese, and other dairy products made from whole milk. Plant foods that are high include coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, and cocoa butter. Check food labels to see which type of oil or fat was used in production.

The American Heart Association's dietary guidelines recommend (1) Total Fat intake should be Less Than 30 Percent of daily calories, and (2) Saturated fat intake should be Less Than 10 Percent of calories.

Cooking Tips from the American Heart Association --

To reduce saturated fat in meat:

(1) Use a rack to drain off the fat when broiling, roasting, or baking. Instead of basting with drippings, keep meat moist with wine, fruit juices or an acceptable oil-based marinade.

(2) Cook a day ahead of time. Stews, boiled meat, soup stock or other dishes in which fat cooks into the liquid can be refrigerated. Then the hardened fat can be removed from the top.

(3) Make gravies after the fat has hardened and can be removed from the liquid.

(4) Broil rather than pan-fry meats such as hamburger, lamb chops, pork chops, and steak.

(5) When a recipe calls for browning the meat first, try browning it under the broiler instead of in a pan.

(6) Avoid adding butter or margarine to vegetables when cooking. Instead use herbs and spices for flavor

Cholesterol-Lowering Medications:

If you have high cholesterol and you make the necessary changes in your diet and activity level, your cholesterol level should begin to go down after three to six months. If not your doctor may recommend cholesterol-lowering medication. If you are prescribed a cholesterol-lowering medication, remember that this is only the part of the plan. For maximum benefit and effectiveness, you must continue eating foods low in fat and cholesterol and continue exercising.
Other lifestyle changes you should make to avoid heart disease include losing weight if you are overweight, stop smoking if you smoke, control high blood pressure, and manage stress in your life. Traditionally, physicians have used medication to control blood cholesterol.

Here is a fact for you to think about before you decide to take cholesterol-lowering medication:
75% of all heart disease can be prevented by lifestyle changes including dietary changes and increased activity.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs are known as "antihyperlipidemic agents". There are five major groups:

(1) Fibric acid derivatives - Atromid-S (clofibrate) and Lopid (gemdibrozil), which work by preventing the liver from making or releasing cholesterol into the bloodstream,

(2) Bile acid sequestrants - Questran (cholestryamine) and Colestid (cholestipol), which bind to bile acids and prevent their absorption,

(3) Nicotinic acid - Nicolar (nicotinic acid), which decreases the secretion of VLDL thus the formation of "bad" LDL cholesterol,

(4) Probucol - Lorelco (probucol), which enhances the clearance of cholesterol including LDL and HDL cholesterol, and

(5) HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors - Mevacor (lovastatin), Pravastatin, and Zocor (simvastatin), which work to help lower LDL cholesterol.

Now that you know which drugs are available and their general method of action in the body, you can hopefully make an educated decision along with your doctor on whether or not cholesterol-lowering drugs are necessary. Again, it cannot be stressed enough, a proper diet and exercise regimen can help you in your fight against high cholesterol. Good luck!
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:45 AM  
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Body Detox and Detox Diet Recipes
It's a good idea to detox our body at regular intervals. Detox doesn't just mean abstaining from beer or junk food for a couple of days. Our body is a storehouse of toxins and harmful chemicals accrued over a period of years that render our immune system useless and damage other parts of our body. When the toxin level becomes high, they get converted into free radicals and cause extensive damage to all other organs, break the body's defense and may cause lots of serious medical conditions such as diabetes, MS and even cancer.

So how do we protect our body from this damage? A detox diet should do the trick. Body detox and its benefits is a well researched subject now. Detoxification helps in lowering cholesterol in blood, fighting allergies, improving skin, balancing the chemical levels in the body and effectively lengthens our life span.

When you take a detox diet, you're doing your body a service by helping it get rid of the toxins and unwanted chemicals that have accrued over the years. This diet is recommended by many celebrities and people who were able to overcome their various addictions. They assert this diet has improved their life quality by increasing energy levels, helping them lose weight, improving digestion, making the body more resistant against diseases, improving their mental mind frame and driving away the fatigue that was hindering their every movement. Of course, a good nourishing diet and healthy habits should help achieve all of the above, but people usually realize this late in life and by then we are already infused with a lot of toxins. At this stage, a detox diet is the best way to bring back normalcy to our body.

There are many different types of detox diets. You can opt for a liquid diet that prescribes only water or fruit juices through out the day for a few days. Else, there are diets that increase the content of fish or decrease the calorie consumption per day. A herbal detox diet is a packaged diet that helps you in your purpose.

So many detox diet combination are available that, with the right fundamentals, you too can create your own diet catalogue.

The grape diet is a straightforward detox diet recipe. All you have to do is eat grapes and nothing else. Eat it however you want, as a fruit with water or as juice. This should be followed for a few days to give your system a thorough rinse. It's enough if you use this diet for a few days if you're healthy.

There's another simple diet variant called the lemon diet that's a favorite of many .If you've opted for the lemon diet, make sure to add a slice of lemon to the water you drink through out the day. Water is known as one of the best detox agents, so ensure you drink more than 64 ounces a day. When you add lemon to water, you get the additional nourishment of Vitamin C.

The lemon diet is slightly more complicated than the grape diet. The formulae for this diet involves mixing two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemons, 1/8th of cayenne pepper, 2 tb spoons of B grade organic maple syrup with a cup of pure water. It's important to be sure the water is fluoride free.

Another detox diet that's enriching and that keeps hunger pangs away is the cabbage soup diet. The Gazpacho diet is similar to cabbage. This is a Spanish mixture of tomatoes, bell peppers, fresh garlic clove and cucumbers. Drink this soup cold.

A detox diet is a great way of getting a whole new body with good eating habits; however, be careful while selecting your detox diet and implementing it.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:13 AM  
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Healthy - Depression Killing Chocolate
Have you or are you still suffering from Depression? Having this condition is not the easiest of things at the best of times. As you will know depression can and does affect you physically & mentally. I have been there myself and needed plenty of treatment & medication to get myself right.

Well, only just a few months ago, I was still suffering from anxiety & stress related issues that were affecting me from day to day. Not very nice for those who know what I am on about? It can and quite often dominates our life unless dealt with in the proper way.

For a lot of people, chocolate can help people with depression. Chocolate causes the secretion of serotonin- which is also known as the 'HAPPY HORMONE'. Serotonin is classed as a healthy chemical that will help in lifting your depression. People relate chocolate to something that makes them happy. Well, that's exactly true and to the point.

The main problem with chocolate is that a lot of people put on weight. This problem can cause mental distress, just on it's own. So the question is. How do we actually manage to eat the food that everybody enjoys the most. Well, that can be done with just looking around and seeing what is on sale. But as you know, when we are under the weather, we often do not feel like going out and looking in loads of shops, i.e. when we feel not motivated enough.

Well, there is a way that you can eat chocolate without putting on weight and be able to enjoy all the benefit that chocolate can bring us. Dark chocolate contains so many different properties that can not just help you to lose weight but also tackles depression. Dark chocolate can also help in a lot more area's when coming down to your health.

Raw, unprocessed, non-alkalized, chocolate contains the following healthy chemical compounds:

1. It tastes good

2. It stimulates endorphin production which gives a feeling of pleasure

3. Anandamide (a neurotransmitter known as "the bliss chemical")

4. Salsolinol (anti-stress neurotransmitter)

5. Serotonin (natural antidepressant)

6. Tryptophan (anti-depressant amino acid)

I would just like to talk about the healthy chemical which is called 'Serotonin'. This chemical is absolutely fantastic for people who suffer from depression or even other related issues like Anxiety and stress which are often related to the symptoms of depression. Dark chocolate is so rich in 'Serotonin' and can have great results on people's moods and just how they feel in general.

If I was to say to you today that you could eat 'Pure dark healthy chocolate and start to feel better in yourself, would you believe me ? Well what I am saying is 100% true. My anxiety and stress levels have gone down so much that, it just unbelievable. Throughout all the time that I was taking meds, I have never felt like this and it all come down to this chocolate.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:45 AM  
Saturday, July 5, 2008
How to Have a Great Day
Have you ever heard the philosophy that you can expect three things to go wrong every day? Some days we get frustrated when things go wrong and forget about all that went right!

Take a new perspective: When things don't work out as you expect, plans go awry, or tires get flat, tell yourself "That's one--now only two more things will go wrong today". When a second event throws you for a loop, remind yourself, "that's two things that went wrong today--certainly it is reasonable to expect that one more time today I will have a spill, end up running late, or have a misunderstanding with a coworker".

I'll give you an example of how this fresh way of thinking helped me out on this particular Saturday morning:

Here I was, making my morning pot of coffee--which I was really looking forward to--when I noticed coffee and grounds spilling all around the pot. Somehow I had rinsed the filter and forgotten to put it back in. I cleaned up the area and put on a fresh pot, and thought about how frustrated I was. I was really ready to sit and enjoy my nice, steaming cup of java. You see, it was before 7 am on a Saturday and I had been awoken early (about 5:30 am) to the sound of my cat throwing up. Unfortunately, before I could get it cleaned up, my dog ate it. So just as I was drifting back to sleep, the dog threw up.

As I waited for the second pot of coffee to brew (hopefully free of grinds) I looked back on the morning that had already been off to a bad start when I realized, "There were three things that already went wrong today. This can only mean that the rest of the day will be glorious!"

There's no telling what will actually happen: Of course there aren't really any rules of the universe saying that exactly three things will go wrong every day. Some days we have fewer disappointments and some days things go unexpectedly well. But I am looking forward to seeing what the rest of this Saturday has in store for me, and I believe it's going to be a great one!

A balanced life is important to keep your physical and emotional health stellar so you can feel great every day and be at your best for those who count on you. Having someone there to encourage you and help you find your direction can mean all the difference. See what coaching is all about: Laurie Beebe specializes in life coaching and diet coaching for busy women who haven't been prioritizing the time to take care of themselves. It's vital to care for yourself first! Start taking the steps today so your life will be better tomorrow!
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:12 AM  
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Different Types of Adult Obesity and Herbal Drugs
The fat is broken down in different ways in the body. It is quite important to determine the fat distribution, as the impact on health is not the same depending on the location of overweight. In obesity or overweight type female (gynecoid), excess fat is located at the hips, buttocks and legs. In obesity or overweight type male (android), excess fat is located at the abdominal organs on the abdominal wall and sometimes on the upper back. There are also mixed types, especially when obesity is very important.

This classification is somewhat simplistic and does not reflect the variety of human types. However, it is estimated that obesity-type female is not as serious as that of male type. This type of obesity is often more serious and results in metabolic disorders: diabetes type II with onset of insulin resistance, abnormal blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) and cardiovascular disorders associated with increased risk of cancers.

Too many Kilos, those that are potentially hazardous to health, are mainly located at the waist and hidden in the abdominal organs. Measuring waist circumference is a simple and practical way of knowing if the overload fat is in the abdomen. There is a danger when the waist reaches more than 1 meter for men and more than 95 cm for women. Anyway, we must interpret the measure by the size of the individual.

The ability to grow is a legacy of ancient times, when our "caves" ancestors have absolutely to store up food when it was available. The best course is to keep it on oneself for hard times. This ability to store fat and use it later has allowed humanity to survive despite recurring famines.

In some populations, there was even selections of the fittest to make such bold among Polynesians (Maori). Indeed, climatic variations in the Pacific region (nino, nina, cyclones) cause, in these very remote islands, famines that could last many weeks or months. Today, with the decline of physical labor, abundant food and reduced energy needs, this "advantage" becomes genetically negative, it promotes the onset of obesity.

Experts say that obesity is on average 25 to 30% of cases in part genetic and the rest linked to eating and physical behavior, when both parents are normal or underweight, the risk of becoming big in turn in adulthood is less than 10%. When one parent is large, this risk is about 40% to 80% if both are.

We grow mainly because we absorb more calories (as food) than we use. There is an imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure overall. One should recall that the accumulation of fat in fat cells (adipocytes) is something daily and quite normal. Several physiological mechanisms allow transforming what was eaten into fats, immediately stored in the fatty tissue in the form of triglycerides.

These stored fats will be used to request the opportunity to make prolonged exercise or during a period of fasting, for instance. It is the increase in the number of adipocytes, their hypertrophy and disruption of their activity that cause the accumulation of grease resulting in morbid obesity.

We know that medium weight is a parameter remarkably stable during adulthood. It grows sustainably when the food-energy imbalance is chronic and changes in both the number of fat cells (increase) and their regulation, physiological mechanisms that maintain the weight almost constant are disturbed, consequently you inexorably gain weight. This overweight will, no doubt, stabilize, but at a higher level.

We grow sustainably when fat cells accumulate triglycerides (fats) but do not "know" anymore how to free them when the body needs them. Added to this energy imbalance related to food, other causes may be hormonal reasons (puberty, pregnancy, endocrine disruption related to chronic stress), a lower metabolic regulation of carbohydrate and fat associated with aging (we grow with age), dietary reasons (diet too rich in fat immediately stored in adipocytes and food artificially high in sucrose and fructose) and perhaps an environment and food contaminated by pesticides or alimentary adulterants (dyes, changes of taste, aroma ) which insidiously alter our metabolism, from childhood.

Many solutions exist to fight over-weight. Chemical drugs are available on the market, however, suchlike products have a lot of nasty side-effects. Surgery is also possible but it is a heavy and risky operation. Herbal drugs are plants-based products free from any-side-effects. They are very accessible and not expensive. Obesity is a curable disease and the best way to heal it is to resort to natural therapies such as herbal treatments.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:45 AM  
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