Health Pharm
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Taking a Look at the Panic Attack and Ways to Treat It
The most frequently-reported symptoms of a panic attack are shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, flushed cheeks, trembling and rapid heartbeat. In fact, the accompanying chest pain, trouble swallowing and throat constriction are very close to what heart attack victims experience, so many panic attack disorder patients come to the hospital fearing that they are dying.

Like a heart attack, the symptoms of panic attacks often come on suddenly, without warning, peaking within 10 minutes and lasting approximately 30 minutes. The worst part about panic attacks is the residual fear of having another one, which leads the people who experience the most extreme cases to remain in their homes, afraid to leave.

If a person has the symptoms of regular panic attacks, then the doctor will look at the patient's medical history and administer a regular physical exam. There are no laboratory tests to diagnose a panic attack, but the doctor can check to rule out physical illnesses that mimic a panic anxiety disorder.

In the absence of a physical illness, a psychiatrist or psychologist will interview the patient and administer a series of tests to determine whether or not the patient fits the paradigm. Whether a person has a full-blown disorder or is simply suffering anxiety due to current life circumstances, there is panic attack help available.

If left untreated, the complications of panic attacks may include the development of a phobia. For instance, 36% of the people with this type of disorder also suffer from Agoraphobia, which is the fear of crowded places or of having a panic episode in public. Some people contract Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or fear things like speaking in public or interacting with people, flying, driving, heights, blood, being in social situations or fear of death.

About 30% of patients abuse alcohol and 17% abuse illicit drugs, which may also contribute to what causes anxiety attacks. Many of these patients have problems in work or school, depression and suicidal tendencies, strained interpersonal relationships and financial trouble.

Experts say that with appropriate treatment, 90% of panic attack sufferers can find relief. People with severe symptoms may need panic attack medication. Anti-depressants like Paxil and Zoloft, as well as medications like Xanax or Klonopin, are often choice drugs to regulate the disorder. Many patients find psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy to be extremely empowering and effective at helping them learn how to deal with their condition.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:11 AM  
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