Health Pharm
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Cellulite Soap - A Good Cellulite Remedy Or Another Money Maker?

When it comes to cellulite cures, it appears that we have it all on the market today!

First there was the cellulite pill then the cellulite shoes and pants, all of which left us wonder whatever would be next! Now though there is something to surpass it all, or so the makers would have you believe! Now we have cellulite soap as a marketable cellulite remedy!

Although this is one of the newest cellulite solutions on the market, it is already making waves. There has been a huge marketing campaign and everyone seems to have jumped on the bandwagon, but does it really work?

What Is Cellulite Soap?

This particular cellulite remedy is actually exactly what it says it is. It is a soap that has been designed to have a cellulite busting effect. It is almost wholly natural and full of nutrients that can help to improve the appearance of cellulite within a few weeks if the boasts that the manufacturers are putting out are to be believed. That is, as long as you follow the cellulite remedy instructions! Whether you take a shower once a day or twice a day usually, you are supposed to shower twice a day when using this soap to enable cellulite reduction.

What Can It Do?

Cellulite soap is said to have several properties that aid in the fight against the orange peel. As the ingredients within the soap are entirely natural, they can apparently help to tone and nourish the skin whilst penetrating deep into the fatty layer to break it down. This firms your cellulite up and will reduce the appearance of your cellulite in no time. Again, this is all from the manufacturer. We will investigate if it will work as an effective cellulite remedy after examining the ingredients and method a little more closely.

One particular brand of cellulite soap available is unimaginatively called Anti Cellulite Seaweed Soap. The cellulite remedy itself is based, unsurprisingly, on seaweed, which has many natural beneficial properties. It is packed full of nutrients and can aid the body in the breakdown of fats. It also encourages the thyroid to work effectively because it contains iodine, which is absorbed and then helps to increase the body's rate of metabolism.

How Does It Work?

This cellulite remedy apparently gets under the skin via the warmth of the shower opening the pores. It is then absorbed into the dermis to directly combat the fat whilst the iodine in it enters the bloodstream and is ultimately absorbed by the thyroid. In this way, it not only speeds up the metabolism but will also detoxify the body.

If this sounds a little illogical to you then you are not on your own though! The boasts of the manufacturers of cellulite remedy soaps actually go against everything we know about the body. Soaps can nourish the skin but getting beyond that to have an effect on cellulite without deep massage or a cream treatment is unlikely. After all, soap is washed off almost immediately! Take this cellulite cure with a pinch of salt. It may work for you but that is very doubtful, although you will probably wind up with very soft skin!

posted by Healthy Life @ 10:01 AM  

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