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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
3 Easy Ways to Beat Anxiety
Anxiety can be very difficult to live with. It is a debilitating illness which lowers the effectiveness of the immune system to ward off other illnesses. High levels of stress can contribute to a high level of anxiety.

However, as it is impossible to avoid stress altogether, it becomes a necessity to manage our stress and tension levels using proven techniques. A reduction of Anxiety is fairly straightforward. The measures taken will also reduce your stress and tension level as a by-product. Additionally, interpersonal relationships should automatically improve too.

3 Top Tips to Beat Anxiety

1) Identify the factors which trigger your stress and anxiety and thereby seek ways of avoiding their occurrence.

Grab a pen and paper. Think about all things that make you feel anxious or stressed and write them down. Rate them on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 having a small effect upon you but a 10 having a large adverse affect. Then decide which factors to address on a priority basis.

Consider the factors in turn. Can you avoid them? Can you change your opinion of them?
Can you exert any control over the situation? Would counselling help?

Your future is at stake. Persevere with this step and take action until things are under control. Use the next two tips in conjunction with this one.

2) Reduce Anger:

Manage your anger, as it is potentially a huge trigger for increased anxiety. Do whatever you can to minimise your anger towards others; anger management classes, groups or books can help. Accept that you cannot change others and that everyone has their quirks, foibles and shortcomings, even you!

The people and things that you cannot control you will have to change your viewpoint towards in order to reduce your anxiety. You will need to learn to accept them as they are.

Develop a "give and take" attitude towards other people to reduce anxiety levels. By using techniques of reducing anger and increasing patience and tolerance towards others, your stress levels will reduce and you will find that interpersonal relationships cannot help but improve automatically.

3) Patience and Tolerance:

These two are well known positive traits that will help you to reduce anxiety levels. Although they may be difficult to acquire, these positive characteristics in your actions and thoughts will do much to combat your anxiety.

Again you need to accept the shortcomings of others. When someone doesn't measure up to your expectations, ask yourself how you could help them.

When situations frustrate you, ask yourself "how important is it really, in the whole scheme of things"? I used to get really annoyed in traffic, but now accept that there are a lot of bad drivers out there and that I can do very little about it by myself. So why get annoyed? It was only affecting my emotional well-being and no good came of it!

Patience is definitely a virtue worth attaining if you want to get rid of anxiety.

You moving towards an anxiety-free life is possible using the proven principles in this article.
Using these strategies, very soon you could be much happier and far less anxious in general.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:36 AM  
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