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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Easy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
High blood pressure, hypertension, HBP, this silent killer has many names but all of them mean the same thing. If left untreated, the silent killer can kill you. Fortunately, HBP can be treated with many kinds of medications. There are natural and pharmaceutical medications that you can take that will control your blood pressure. Pharmaceutical can have a negative impact on your kidneys, liver and stomach. The side effects of the medications can be bad but the natural cures to lower blood pressure have very little to zero side effects. Let's discuss these natural cures that low blood pressure.

Natural cures does not necessarily mean backyard herbs. I also don't mean to say expensive elusive herbs. What I mean by natural cures is that you can do certain lifestyle changes that can help to regulate your blood pressure down to levels that are normal.

A simple natural way to regulate your blood pressure is to practice breathing exercises. Most people breathe very rapidly and take more than enough breaths per minute as they should. Fast breathing causes oxygen to become deprived in the blood stream by it not being absorbed in the lungs and this leads to high blood pressure to form. Since you inhale and exhale rapidly, fresh air doesn't last long enough in your lungs for the oxygen to be absorbed enough. Ideally you should take 10 breaths of fresh air per minute or less. So take some time during the day to time your breaths. Try to inhale and exhale once ever 6 seconds. This should total up to 10 breaths a minute. This will cause your blood to absorb enough oxygen and your blood pressure will lower.

Next you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables can have a big impact on hypertension. As the food pyramid recommends, you should eat 5 servings of fruit each day. There are a bunch of delicious fruits. Such fruits are pomegranates, oranges, berries, apples, bananas, strawberries, cherries, etc. There is a lot of fruits that you can pick from which will help to lower your blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium and this mineral is proven to lower blood pressure when you consume enough of it.

Next, you should lose weight. Most of the people who are diagnosed with high blood pressure are typically overweight. You might not think you are overweight but ask your doctor and you will see that you are. Try losing 10 to 20 pounds. The less weight that you are carrying around, the less work your heart has to do to pump the blood around. This will lower your blood pressure dramatically.

You know the next thing I am going to tell you... Salt. You know it is bad for you, yet you continue to sprinkle it around as if it was harmless. Salt is very bad for hypertension. Salt increases your arterial blood pressure. The problem with salt is that it is very difficult to give up. You should try reducing your salt intake in steps. Don't quit cold turkey as you will just relapse into adding salt.

If you quit cold turkey, you will add more salt when you rebound than what you were adding before you went cold turkey. So gradually reduce your salt intake and you will see major improvements to your goal of lower blood pressure.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:36 AM  
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