Health Pharm
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hair Loss? Now What?

Since hair loss is common nowadays and hereditary, many people think there is no cure for it. Genetically, it is said that whose maternal grandfather is bald is very much likely to carry the condition. But modern science has given ways around this problem. After reading this article, you can have more confidence and knowledge on how to prevent hair loss.


1. Take care of your hair. This is the most important thing. The overuse of hair dyes, curling irons and hairdryers is one of the leading causes of hair loss in both men and women.

2. Never color your hair more often than 6 to 8 weeks and for hair loss prevention, letting your hair turn naturally gray is the best thing you can do.

3. Never stretch the hair by braiding very tightly and this can lead to significant hair loss as well. Eating the right foods is something else you can do for hair loss prevention.

4. Add calcium in your diet is very important to strengthen the hair follicles and roots in the scalp.

5. Most important is to have a healthy and regular lifestyle. Sleep enough and sleep on time.

6. Accept it. Consider it a visible symbol of your increasing wisdom. Tolerating hair loss is the healthiest and cheapest way to cope with hair loss. If that technique is too hard on the ego, read on.

7 Consider some of the hair loss drugs. Arguably, the best drug treatment for male hair loss is 1mg of Finastride taken orally once a day and Minoxidil applied directly to the scalp in either a 2 or 5 percent solution.

8. Take Finastride once a day without food. The drug should be used in a 6 month or 12 month period.

9. Take 1 ml Minoxidil 2 percent or 5 percent solution and apply directly to a clean, dry scalp. The studies have shown that those using the 5 percent solution achieve better results.

posted by Healthy Life @ 10:40 AM  
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