Health Pharm
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Oral Herpes - Natural Remedies
Oral Herpes, the visible symptoms of which are called cold sores infects the face and mouth and is caused by a virus known as Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1). It is the most common form of infection. The virus has the ability to lie low in the body after initial infection until it is reactivated. The condition is infectious during attacks but cannot usually cause another form of the infection.

Symptoms of herpes include recurrent cold sores around your mouth. It is usually preceded by numbness or tingling in the affected area. To minimise the possibility of spreading infection take care when using towels, pillowcases, facecloths, cutlery and crockery. Always wash your hands after touching a lesion.

Oral Herpes Natural Remedies

Avoid Stress - The virus that causes cold sores can be reawakened by excessive stress or when you are fighting off a cold or another mild infection.

Avoid Overexposure to the Sun - Attacks can also be sparked off by increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Diet - A balanced diet can also help by boosting the immune system and thereby reduce the risk of an infection. The most important nutrients for maintaining a robust immune system are vitamins A, C and E and zinc.

Ensure a good intake of foods that provide these vitamins and mineral. Eat plenty of whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine which is found in tea, coffee and cola drinks. Cut down on smoking or give up altogether.

Make sure you get adequate sleep daily.

In a clinical trial, oral herpes natural remedies were found to prevent the development of blisters in 24 out of 38 cases.
posted by Healthy Life @ 10:23 AM  

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