Health Pharm
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hypothyroidism Diets, Can You Really Lose Weight?
Are you suffering from hypothyroidism and are struggling to lose weight? You are probably thinking to yourself that it is impossible to lose weight. Or maybe you have heard somebody say that weight loss is impossible if you suffer from hypothyroidism.

Let me tell you that you are not alone. Anyone who is hypothyroid and has tried to lose weight has been there. Most, unfortunately, give up too early. A lot of people try really hard and give it serious effort. But, as it turns out it is only for a short time then they give up.

The human body can be compared to a machine. A machine that is wonderful and amazing with all its various functions and processes. It's almost too easy to take it for granted.

We have to remember that it is an organic machine and even though we are mostly the same under the skin our bodies can respond a little differently from the next person's body. So even though your best friend was able to drop weight in no time doesn't mean that you can. You may have to try different things that will get your body to respond. Then if your body stops responding to that stimulus you need to change it up again.

It is possible to lose weight even if you are suffering from hypothyroidism but you will have to be realistic with regards to how much weight you intend to lose and in what time frame. It is good to have goals and I encourage you to set goals for yourself but those goals have to be attainable otherwise you will be setting yourself up for failure.

Remember, you have hypothyroid disease which by its very nature slows your metabolism. This is why you can sleep all night and still get up the next day feeling fatigued. Likewise you may have noticed that it has become hard to lose weight or you even noticed that the numbers on the scale have gotten higher. This is not your fault. Accept it, treat it and move on.

So how do you have success with a hypothyroidism diet?

To be able to lose weight you need to regain control over your metabolism. This can be accomplished by working with your doctor. They will prescribe some form of hormone treatment and will monitor your levels until they stabilize.

One of the drugs commonly used for this is called Synthroid.

The point to this is to increase your metabolism. Raising your metabolism is the key to boosting your weight loss.

Overall your main goal should be to become a healthier person. Don't get wrapped up in becoming super thin. Set a realistic goal to become healthier by improving your cardiovascular system, to eat healthy and to try to lose some of that unwanted weight.

If you train yourself to think like this you'll be amazed at the success you will achieve with your hypothyroidism diet.
posted by Healthy Life @ 9:34 AM  

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